
Empatía: ¿qué es y por qué es importante?

  1. INTRODUCCIÓN El área de servicio tiene como eje principal fortalecer y promover el componente del SER de los estudiantes desde grado Quinto hasta Noveno para garantizar el óptimo desempeño en el Programa de años intermedios y programa CAS que se brinda en los grados Décimo y Undécimo en el Diploma. Por lo tanto, se busca cumplir con una propuesta que permita establecer un compromiso con contextos locales e internacionales dando prioridad al servicio como una virtud que humaniza y facilita el aprendizaje de los diferentes contextos y realidades.  Se quiere que los estudiantes de grado SEXTO, comprendan y establezcan la importancia de la sensibilización frente al servicio, el autocuidado, y el valor de la solidaridad

 OBJETIVO GENERAL Desarrollar actividades de sensibilización con las estudiantes enfocadas en el concepto de servicio y autocuidado con el propósito de fortalecer el crecimiento personal.


  1. COMPETENCIAS / HABILIDADES A DESARROLLAR (las que correspondan a la asignatura)

 Habilidad de autogestión: Para potenciar el arte, la capacidad literaria y la construcción de significados en torno al tema de las relaciones; los estudiantes utilizarán un sistema lógico en el cual elaboran el diario de campo de manera creativa logrando registrar evidencias del proceso, como trabajo final se elaborará una obra de teatro con títeres, estos, serán elaborados por los estudiantes junto con la escenografía y el libreto.

 Habilidad de comunicación: Para ser capaz de tener nuevas ideas; los estudiantes utilizarán el entendimiento intercultural mediante variedad de estrategias como lo son: debates, exposiciones, mesas redondas, etc.

 Habilidad de colaboración: Para fortalecer las relaciones sociales, los estudiantes practican la empatía, la comunicación, el respeto, etc., con los individuos de su entorno.

 Habilidad de reflexión: Para fortalecer las habilidades personales el estudiante identifica sus puntos fuertes y débiles que lo ayuden al crecimiento y aprendizaje personal.

 Habilidad afectiva: Para ser capaz de solicitar críticas, comentarios o sugerencias de los demás y tomar decisiones fundadas con respeto e incluirlas o no en el trabajo propio, empleando estrategias para reducir el estrés y la ansiedad, siempre practicando el pensamiento positivo.



 · Videos.

· Foros

· Puestas en común

· Consultas exposiciones

· Procesos de reflexión

· Presentaciones en Power point, prezzi, presentaciones de Google.

· Trabajo en clase.

· Participación individual y colectiva.  



Evaluación formativa

Constantemente se revisará el diario de campo que contiene las actividades individuales y grupales. Además, se tendrá en cuenta la participación y las reflexiones orales y escritas.

Evaluación sumativa

Presentación del proyecto final el cual condensará todo lo trabajado durante el semestre con respecto a la sensibilización en servicio. (obra de teatro de títeres).



Criterios de evaluación












“MYP individuals and societies encourage learners to respect and understand the world around them and equip them with the necessary skills to inquire into historical, contemporary, geographical, political, social, economic, religious, technological, and cultural factors that impact individuals, societies, and environments. It encourages learners, both students and teachers, to consider local and global contexts. MYP individuals and societies incorporate disciplines traditionally studied under the general term “the humanities” (such as history and philosophy), as well as disciplines in the social sciences (such as economics, business management, geography, sociology, and political science).”

MYP Individuals and Societies Guide 2014. pg 4.


To develop critical thinking by analyzing social science in a way that will pique their interest as members of society and positively impact their respective contexts.


Students will be exposed to the various content areas of the Individuals and Societies class through visually engaging presentations, accompanied by comprehensive explanations from the teacher. Furthermore, their understanding and progress will be assessed through interactive discussions, workshops, hands-on activities, investigative tasks, and written evaluations. Lastly, the summative assessment will be conducted using the Project-Based Learning (PBL) approach, which fosters the cultivation of critical thinking and reflective skills in students, enabling them to apply their acquired knowledge in practical and meaningful real-life contexts.



Topic / Unit



1st semester

Where do we come from?

Theories about the origin of the universe.

Components of the universe.

Planet Earth.

Continental drift.

Internal dynamics of planet earth.

Climatic events and their impact.

Approximately 28 hours

1st semester

How have we adapted?

Human evolution theories.

Technological changes and evolution of the hominids.

Work and social order in the process of humanization.

Agricultural revolution, domestication of animals, and sedentarism; were the beginning of Ancient Civilizations.

Approximately 36 hours

2nd semester

How have we organized?

Forms of population in different continents.

River civilizations.

Pre-Hispanic societies.

Legacy of river civilizations and pre-Hispanic societies.

Access and maintenance of power in antiquity. Election of leaders in antiquity.

Forms of government in ancient societies.

Approximately 40 hours


  1. Knowing and understanding: 25%

  • Use vocabulary in context.

  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of subject-specific content and concepts, using descriptions, explanations, and examples. 

  1. Investigating: 25%

  • Explain the choice of a research question.

  • Follow an action plan to explore a research question.

  • Collect and record relevant information consistent with the research question.

  • Reflect on the research process and result.

  1. Communicating: 25%

  • Communicate information and ideas with clarity.

  • Organize information and ideas effectively for the task.

  • List sources of information in a way that follows the task instructions.

  1. Thinking Critically: 25%

  • Identify the main points of ideas, events, visual representations, or arguments.

  • Use the information to give an opinion.

  • Identify and analyze a range of sources/data regarding origin and purpose.

  • Identify different views and their implications.

South Asian Girl GIF by Hello All

Taken from: Giphy

Course Introduction: 

The Language Acquisition course for IB Year 1 is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of language acquisition, focusing on the development of linguistic skills, cultural awareness, and effective communication in a second language. Through a balanced approach of theory and practical application, students will explore the processes involved in acquiring a new language, enhance their language proficiency, and develop a deeper appreciation for diverse cultures and their linguistic expressions.

General Objective: 

The general objective is to enable students to develop the skills necessary to communicate effectively and confidently in a second language. By the end of the course, students should be able to understand and produce spoken and written language in a range of contexts, engage critically with various forms of media and literature, and demonstrate cultural sensitivity and awareness when using the language.


The course employs a learner-centered and communicative approach to language acquisition. It emphasizes active engagement, interaction, and authentic language use to foster meaningful learning experiences. Students will participate in a variety of activities such as role-plays, discussions, debates, multimedia analysis, and collaborative projects to enhance their language skills and cultural understanding. The course also integrates technology as a tool for language learning and encourages self-directed exploration of language resources.

Course Content: 

The course content is organized into thematic units that encompass a variety of language skills and cultural topics. The content is designed to progressively challenge and build upon students' language proficiency. 

Unit 1: How can I connect with others?
Unit 2: Eat to live, or live to eat?
Unit 3: How can we find our way?
Unit 4: What would life be like in a world without letters? 


CRITERION A: Listening - 25%
i. identify explicit and implicit information (facts, opinions, messages and supporting details)
ii. analyse conventions
iii. analyse connections.

CRITERION B: Reading - 25%
i.identify explicit and implicit information (facts, opinions, messages and supporting details)
 ii.analyse conventions
iii.analyse connections.

CRITERION C: Speaking - 25%
i.use a wide range of vocabulary
ii.use a wide range of grammatical structures generally accurately 
iii.use clear pronunciation and intonation in comprehensible manner iv.communicate all the required information clearly and effectively.

CRITERION D: Writing - 25%
i.use a wide range of vocabulary
ii.use a wide range of grammatical structures generally accurately
iii.organize information effectively and coherently in an appropriate format using a wide range of simple and some complex cohesive devices
iv.communicate all the required information with a clear sense of audience and purpose to suit the context.

Take from: Bing image creator

TEACHER: Santiago Vasquez Giraldo



GRADE: 6th A & B (MYP 1) - Track A



Mathematics is not just a subject we study; it's a language that helps us make sense of the world around us. In this course, we will explore the beauty and relevance of mathematics in our everyday lives.

Throughout the year, we will delve into various mathematical concepts, from numbers and operations to algebra, geometry, statistics, and more. Our goal is not just to master these concepts but also to understand how they interconnect and apply them to solve real-world problems.


 Foster a deep understanding of numbers and their properties, enabling students to fluently manipulate numerical representations and solve mathematical problems with confidence.

Improve students' ability to articulate mathematical ideas and strategies effectively, both orally and in writing, fostering clear and concise communication within the mathematical community.

Promote a conceptual understanding of fundamental mathematical concepts, ensuring that students grasp the underlying principles behind numerical operations and representations.

Illustrate the relevance of mathematical concepts in real-world scenarios, enabling students to recognize the practical applications of numerical reasoning in everyday life and future endeavors.


Knowing and understanding: Proficiency in mathematics involves selecting and applying appropriate mathematical concepts effectively to solve problems across various contexts with accuracy and adaptability.

Investigating patterns: Applying mathematical problem-solving techniques involves the recognition of patterns and their description as relationships or general rules consistent with findings. It's essential to verify whether these patterns hold true for other examples, ensuring their reliability and applicability beyond the initial instances.

Using suitable mathematical language, notation, symbols, and terminology in oral and written statements ensures clarity. Employing appropriate forms of mathematical representation enhances information presentation. Communicating coherent mathematical reasoning promotes understanding and logical flow.

Applying mathematics in real-life contextIdentifying real-life elements, selecting suitable mathematical strategies, and applying them successfully lead to solutions. Explaining solution accuracy and relevance to the real-life context ensures practicality.


1. Talk about the topic of the previous class.

2. Provide the guidelines for the work to be done in the class.

3. Indicate the objectives of the class.

4. Ask questions to generate a debate among students and to explore the concepts.

5. Explain the topic and provide the corresponding examples.

6. Carry out individual or group activities.

7. Conclude reflection on the class.



Year (DP only)

Topic / Unit

Content / subtopics




1st Period

Unit 1:


-Diagnostic checkups

-Number systems- decimal number system

-Set numbers

- Rounding, approximation and significative figures.

- Number line

- Greatest common factor and least common factor

- Fractions, decimal and percentages


40 class hours


Evaluation Criteria


Knowing and Understanding


Investigating Patterns




Applying Mathematics in Real-Life Contexts




- Powerpoint presentation.
- Videos
- Kahoot
- Wheels to select people
- Puzzles
- LiveWorksheets


- Mathematics - 1 - Weber, Kunkel, Simand and Medved - Second Edition - Oxford 2021