How have we organized?


“MYP individuals and societies encourages learners to respect and understand the world around them and equips them with the necessary skills to inquire into historical, contemporary, geographical, political, social, economic, religious, technological and cultural factors that have an impact on individuals, societies and environments. It encourages learners, both students and teachers, to consider local and global contexts. MYP individuals and societies incorporates disciplines traditionally studied under the general term “the humanities” (such as history and philosophy), as well as disciplines in the social sciences (such as economics, business management, geography, sociology and political science).”


To develop critical thinking by analyzing social science in a way that will peak their interest as members of society and have a positive impact in their respective contexts.


An IB education aims to transform students and schools as they learn, through dynamic cycles of inquiry, action and reflection. Teachers enable and support students as they develop the approaches to learning they need – for both academic and personal success. Teaching and learning in the IB celebrates the many ways people work together to construct meaning and make sense of the world. An IB education empowers young people for a lifetime of learning, independently and in collaboration with others.


Unit 1: 

Political Geography - What is Demography? - What is Population? ●What is a census? - How is the population structured? ●Population Pyramid ●Population Pyramid Types - Demographic Transition Model - Migration ●Push and pull factors ●Types of migration 

Unit 2: 

LPVMUN - Portfolio Development. - Debate simulacrum. - Final Performance.

Unit 3: 

Revolutions in the VIII Century - The Enlightenment - Industrial Revolution: First Phase (Capitalism) - The French Revolution: Social clash - Bourbon Reforms: Spaniard Colonial Crisis - "Reconquista" and Hispanic Independence. - Idenpendent Colombia 

Unit 4: 

Globalization - What is globalization? - Causes of Globalization - Globalization in the Global Economy - What are transnational corporations? - Economical systems: ● Capitalism and socialism. ● Neoliberalism. ● Mixed Economies 

Unit 5: 

Colonialism and Human Rights - Colonization of Africa - Colonization of Asia - Growth of European economy through the exploitation of Africa and Asia colonies - Rights of the minorities - Human Rights violations in Africa, Asia and American colonies


  • Knowing and understanding 25%

i. use a range of terminology in context
ii. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of subject-specific content and concepts, through descriptions, explanations and examples

  • Investigating 25% 

i. formulate/choose a clear and focused research question, explaining its relevance 

ii. formulate and follow an action plan to investigate a research question 

iii. use methods to collect and record relevant information 

iv. evaluate the process and results of the investigation, with guidance.

  • Communicating 25% 

i. communicate information and ideas in a way that is appropriate for the audience and purpose 

ii. structure information and ideas according to the task instructions 

iii. create a reference list and cite sources of information.

  • Thinking critically 25%

i. analyse concepts, issues, models, visual representation and/or theories 

ii. summarize information to make valid, well-supported arguments 

iii. analyse a range of sources/data in terms of origin and purpose, recognizing value and limitations

 iv. recognize different perspectives and explain their implications.