English A - Language and Literature

Introduction: The course will help the students develop effective communication skills, as well as social, aesthetic and cultural literacy. Literary as well as non-literary texts will be used to comprehend how the meaning of a particular text is constructed by language and context.

General Objective: Develop an understanding of how language and, culture and context determine the ways in which meaning is constructed in texts.

Competences / abilities to develop:

·      Knowledge and understanding

·      Application and analysis

·      Synthesis and evaluation

·      Selection and use of appropriate presentation and language skills.


  • Institutional email (google drive)
  • Claseweb
  • Literary and non-literary texts. Primary and secondary resources.
  • Literary Texts:

1984 (George Orwell)

Oedipus the King (Sophocles)

  • Websites according to the topic studied.