to Theatre Class
6TH Grade
Main theme: Approach to Arts
Objective: Participate in a process of creative exploration and discovery of the concepts of the art form and the different possibilities of self-expression.
In this grade, we will check important concepts and topics related to Theatre, including its origin. The idea is to understand the nature of the subject, and the dynamics. Don't worry, it doesn't mean that the teacher will be explaining all the time, we are going to do it through different activities, that of course will include acting, and in this way we are going to appropriate everything in a better way.
Criterion A: Investigating (25%)
i. Investigate a movement or genre in Drama, related to the statement of inquiry
ii. Describe a performance from the chosen movement or genre.
Criterion B: Developing (25%)
i. Practically explore ideas to inform development of a final performance
ii. Present a clear artistic intention for the final performance in line with the statement of inquiry.
Criterion C: Creating/Performing (25%)
i. create or perform an artwork.
Criterion D: Evaluating (25%)
i. appraise their own artwork or performance
ii. Reflect on their development as an artist.
- Profesor: Estefania Madrid