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Language, as a fundamental element of human communication, serves as a bridge that connects cultures, thoughts, and emotions. The journey of language acquisition is a remarkable exploration of how individuals navigate the intricate landscapes of syntax, semantics, and pragmatics to express themselves effectively and engage meaningfully with the world around them. The study of language acquisition delves into the intricate processes through which we acquire, develop, and refine our linguistic abilities, unveiling the mechanisms that underpin our capacity to learn and employ languages.


The primary objective of the Language Acquisition subject within the International Baccalaureate (IB) program is to empower students with the skills and competencies necessary to communicate effectively and meaningfully in a language other than their mother tongue. This objective is rooted in the IB's mission to foster intercultural understanding, promote open-mindedness, and nurture global citizens who can engage empathetically with diverse linguistic and cultural contexts.


The Inquiry-Based Methodology in the context of the International Baccalaureate (IB) program is a student-centered approach to learning that emphasizes curiosity, critical thinking, and exploration. It encourages students to actively engage with the subject matter by posing questions, investigating concepts, and seeking answers through research, analysis, and reflection.



A. Listening - 25%

  • Demonstrate understanding of explicit and implicit spoken information in multimodal texts.
  • Demonstrate understanding of conventions.
  • Demonstrate understanding of relationships between the various components of the multimodal texts.

B. Reading - 25%

  • Demonstrate understanding of explicit and implicit written information in multimodal texts.
  • Demonstrate understanding of conventions.
  • Demonstrate understanding of relationships between the various components of the multimodal texts.

C. Speaking - 25%

  • Use spoken language to communicate and interact with others.
  • Demonstrate accuracy and fluency in speaking.
  • Communicate clearly and effectively.

D. Writing - 25%

  • Use written language to communicate with others.
  • Demonstrate accurate use of language conventions.
  • Organize information in writing.
  • Communicate information with a sense of audience and purpose.