

“MYP individuals and societies encourage learners to respect and understand the world around them and equip them with the necessary skills to inuire into historical, contemporary, geographical, political, social, economic, religious, technological, and cultural factors that have an impact on individuals, societies, and environments. It encourages learners, both students and teachers, to consider local and global contexts. MYP individuals and societies incorporate disciplines traditionally studied under the general term “the humanities” (such as history and philosophy), as well as disciplines in the social sciences (such as economics, business management, geography, sociology, and political science).” MYP Individuals and Societies Guide 2014. pg 4.


The primary purpose of social studies is to develop critical thinking by analyzing, informing, and making decisions for the public good as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society in an interdependent world as members of the community and how to have a positive impact in their respective contexts.

Directed talks

Workshop experiences

Guide texts


guided projects



Topic / Unit



Ancient European World

- Greece.

- Ancient Greek Civilization.

- Rome.

- Roman Republic.

- Roman Empire: rise, division, and fall.


The Middle Ages

- Middle Ages: Early (476 C.E.- 1000 C.E.)

- Western Roman Empire.

- Byzantine Empire (Eastern Roman Empire)

- Middle Ages: High (1000 C.E. - 1300 C.E.)

- Feudalism.

- The Crusades.

- The Holy Inquisition.

- Middle Ages: Late (1300 C.E. - 1500 C.E.)

- Renaissance.

- Black Death.


Human Geography

- General Concepts of Human Geography.

- Urban and Rural Geography.

- Structure, distribution, and Density of the world's population.

- Cartography.

- Different types of maps.


Colombia, del pasado al presente

- Época Colonial en la Nueva Granada.

- La Conquista de la Nueva Granada.

- Periodo Colonial de La nueva Granada.

- Revuelta de los Comuneros.

- ”Independencias” de Colombia.

- Derechos y deberes de la Constitución Política de Colombia.

- Mediación de conflictos en pro del establecimiento de una cultura de la paz.

- La acción de Tutela como mecanismo de - protección y defensa de derechos.

- Declaración Universal de los DDHH.


Knowing and understanding: 25%

Develop factual and conceptual knowledge about individuals and societies.

To reach the aims of individuals and societies, students should be able to:

i. use terminology in context

ii. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of subject-specific content and concepts through 

descriptions, explanations, and examples.

Investigating: 25%

Develop systematic research skills and processes associated with humanities and social sciences disciplines. Students develop successful strategies for investigating independently and in collaboration with others.

To reach the aims of individuals and societies, students should be able to:

i. Formulate a clear and focused research question and justify its relevance

ii. formulate and follow an action plan to investigate a research question

iii. use research methods to collect and record relevant information

iv. evaluate the process and results of the investigation

Communicating: 25%

Develop skills to organize, document, and communicate their learning using a variety of media and presentation formats. To reach the aims of individuals and societies, students should be able to:

i. communicate information and ideas using an appropriate style for the audience and purpose 

ii. structure information and ideas in a way that is appropriate to the specified format 

iii. document sources of information using a recognized convention.

Thinking critically: 25%

Use critical thinking skills to develop and apply their understanding of individuals and societies and the process of investigation. To reach the aims of individuals and societies, students should be able to: 

i. discuss concepts, issues, models, visual representation, and theories 

ii. synthesize information to make valid arguments 

iii. analyze and evaluate a range of sources/data in terms of origin and purpose, examining value and limitations iv. interpret different perspectives and their implications