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TEACHER: Santiago Vasquez Giraldo

INSTITUTIONAL EMAIL: santiago.vasquez.g@liceopinoverde.edu.co


GRADE: 7th A & B (MYP 2) - Track A



Mathematics is not just a subject we study; it's a language that helps us make sense of the world around us. In this course, we will explore the beauty and relevance of mathematics in our everyday lives.

Throughout the year, we will delve into various mathematical concepts, from numbers and operations to algebra, geometry, statistics, and more. Our goal is not just to master these concepts but also to understand how they interconnect and apply them to solve real-world problems.


 Foster a deep understanding of numbers and their properties, enabling students to fluently manipulate numerical representations and solve mathematical problems with confidence.

Improve students' ability to articulate mathematical ideas and strategies effectively, both orally and in writing, fostering clear and concise communication within the mathematical community.

Promote a conceptual understanding of fundamental mathematical concepts, ensuring that students grasp the underlying principles behind numerical operations and representations.

Illustrate the relevance of mathematical concepts in real-world scenarios, enabling students to recognize the practical applications of numerical reasoning in everyday life and future endeavors.


Knowing and understanding: Proficiency in mathematics involves selecting and applying appropriate mathematical concepts effectively to solve problems across various contexts with accuracy and adaptability.

Investigating patterns: Applying mathematical problem-solving techniques involves the recognition of patterns and their description as relationships or general rules consistent with findings. It's essential to verify whether these patterns hold true for other examples, ensuring their reliability and applicability beyond the initial instances.

Using suitable mathematical language, notation, symbols, and terminology in oral and written statements ensures clarity. Employing appropriate forms of mathematical representation enhances information presentation. Communicating coherent mathematical reasoning promotes understanding and logical flow.

Applying mathematics in real-life context: Identifying real-life elements, selecting suitable mathematical strategies, and applying them successfully lead to solutions. Explaining solution accuracy and relevance to the real-life context ensures practicality.


1. Talk about the topic of the previous class.

2. Provide the guidelines for the work to be done in the class.

3. Indicate the objectives of the class.

4. Ask questions to generate a debate among students and to explore the concepts.

5. Explain the topic and provide the corresponding examples.

6. Carry out individual or group activities.

7. Conclude reflection on the class.



Year (DP only)

Topic / Unit

Content / subtopics




1st Period

Unit 1:


-       Dividing a quantity according to a given ratio.

-       Converting between different units of measurement and different currencies.

-       Identifying the different components of the cartesian plane: axes, origin, coordinates (x, y), and points.

-       Finding a constant of proportionality and formulating equations.

-       Performing operations with integers.

40 class hours

Unit 2:


-       Plotting and interpreting graphs.

-       Calculating the mean, median, and mode.

-       Choosing the best measure of central tendency.

20 class hours

2nd Period

Unit 3: Geometry

-      Finding the perimeter and area of complex 2d shapes.

-      Finding the volume of cylinders and basic prisms.

-      Solving problems employing the properties of angles in parallel lines and between intersecting lines.

-      Transforming a figure through rotation, symmetry, translation, and homothety.

-      Solving the properties of regular polygons.

20 class hours

Unit 4: Algebra

-      Developing and simplifying algebraic expressions.

-      Expressing one variable in terms of another in a formula.

-      Using substitution to evaluate expressions.

-      Solving equations involving algebraic fractions.

20 class hours



- Powerpoint presentation.
- Videos
- Kahoot
- Wheels to select people
- Puzzles
- LiveWorksheets


- Mathematics - 1 - Weber, Kunkel, Simand and Medved - Second Edition - Oxford 2021